



Hier werden die Unterschiede zwischen zwei Versionen angezeigt.

Link zu dieser Vergleichsansicht

Beide Seiten der vorigen Revision Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
Nächste Überarbeitung
Vorhergehende Überarbeitung
start [2020/10/25 15:49]
pe2kmv [Hardware]
start [2024/12/21 13:15] (aktuell)
dg9vh [Rubrics]
Zeile 19: Zeile 19:
   * [[translationinfo|Translation of user interfaces]]   * [[translationinfo|Translation of user interfaces]]
   * [[txident|Transmitter Identification Messages]]   * [[txident|Transmitter Identification Messages]]
 +  * [[emergencybroadcast|Emergency Broadcast Messages]]
 ===== Transmitters and Transmitter-Software===== ===== Transmitters and Transmitter-Software=====
Zeile 41: Zeile 42:
   * [[salt-minion|Automated software configuration for Unipager transmitters with SaltStack]]   * [[salt-minion|Automated software configuration for Unipager transmitters with SaltStack]]
   * [[netsed|Use netsed to suppress specific calls]] ​   * [[netsed|Use netsed to suppress specific calls]] ​
   * [[QueueUnipager|Message queue on unipager/​pi-star]]   * [[QueueUnipager|Message queue on unipager/​pi-star]]
Zeile 53: Zeile 53:
   * [[pager_comparison|Pager Comparison Table]]   * [[pager_comparison|Pager Comparison Table]]
   * [[skyperdescription|Skyper]]   * [[skyperdescription|Skyper]]
   * [[primodescription|Primo / e*Cityruf]]   * [[primodescription|Primo / e*Cityruf]]
   * [[quixdescription|QUIX]]   * [[quixdescription|QUIX]]
   * [[alphapocdescription|AlphaPoc 602R]]   * [[alphapocdescription|AlphaPoc 602R]]
 +  * [[alphapocwatchdescription|AlphaPoc 801W]]
   * [[birdydescription|TPL Birdy]]   * [[birdydescription|TPL Birdy]]
   * [[birdyslimdescription|TPL Birdy Slim]]   * [[birdyslimdescription|TPL Birdy Slim]]
Zeile 65: Zeile 64:
   * [[W8008description|Wex W8008]]   * [[W8008description|Wex W8008]]
   * [[Telmi|Telmi]]   * [[Telmi|Telmi]]
 +  * [[apollo924description|Apollo 924]]
   * [[OpenWebRX|OpenWebRX]]   * [[OpenWebRX|OpenWebRX]]
 +  * [[umbauten|Modification of pagers like Scall, Quix or TelMi (german files)]]
 ===== DAPNET-Nodes ===== ===== DAPNET-Nodes =====
Zeile 80: Zeile 80:
 ===== Rubrics ===== ===== Rubrics =====
   * [[rubricgeneral|General Information about rubrics]]   * [[rubricgeneral|General Information about rubrics]]
-  * [[!Agz8py1FKlU1629cJK-sPiS4ejXs ​|List of rubrics as Excel-file, link to Microsoft OneDrive]]+  * [[​A7XJx8Sg33Pw2aY/​download/​rubrics_webversion.xlsx ​|List of rubrics as Excel-file, link to DG9VH'​s Nextcloud, created and uploaded at 12:00 UTC]]
   * [[rubricactivationskyper|Rubric activation for skyper receivers]]   * [[rubricactivationskyper|Rubric activation for skyper receivers]]
   * [[rubricactivationother|Rubric activation for other receivers (e.g. AlphaPOC)]]   * [[rubricactivationother|Rubric activation for other receivers (e.g. AlphaPOC)]]
Zeile 90: Zeile 90:
     * [[dapnetapisendcall|Send individual call]]     * [[dapnetapisendcall|Send individual call]]
     * [[dapnetapisendrubricl|Send rubric content]]     * [[dapnetapisendrubricl|Send rubric content]]
 +    * [[dapnetinfluxdb2rubric|Post InfluxDB content into rubric]]
     * [[dapnetapisetidentificationAddress|Set all identificationAddress]]     * [[dapnetapisetidentificationAddress|Set all identificationAddress]]
     * [[dapnetapideletenonDSGVO|Delete users without DSGVO acceptance agreement]]     * [[dapnetapideletenonDSGVO|Delete users without DSGVO acceptance agreement]]
Zeile 105: Zeile 106:
   * [[usecaseqthtemp|Temperature at repeater QTH]]   * [[usecaseqthtemp|Temperature at repeater QTH]]
   * [[usecaseclubnews|Club-News - RSS-Feeds of club's Webpages]]   * [[usecaseclubnews|Club-News - RSS-Feeds of club's Webpages]]
 +  * [[usecasecwident|CW Identification]]
   ​   ​
 ===== Monitoring ===== ===== Monitoring =====
Zeile 114: Zeile 116:
   * Munin   * Munin
-===== Gateways =====+===== Gateways/Apps =====
   * [[brandmeistergateway|Message via Brandmeister to DAPNET]]   * [[brandmeistergateway|Message via Brandmeister to DAPNET]]
   * [[dmrplusgateway|Message via DMRplus to DAPNET]]   * [[dmrplusgateway|Message via DMRplus to DAPNET]]
   * [[hammessengergateway|Message via HAMMessenger]]   * [[hammessengergateway|Message via HAMMessenger]]
-  * [[usecasetelegrambot|telegram bot DB0USD]] +  * [[usecasetelegrambot|Telegram Bot DB0USD]] 
-  * [[aprs2dapnet|APRS to DAPNET]]+  * [[aprs2dapnet|APRS to DAPNET ​(by DL8MA)]] 
 +  * [[a2d|APRS to DAPNET (by NY3W)]] 
 +  * [[https://​​dm5wk/​dapnet2ntfy|DAPNET2ntfy (by DM5WK)]] 
 +* [[https://​​store/​apps/​details?​id=de.hampager.dapnetmobile|DAPNET-App for Android by Amateurfunkgruppe RWTH Aachen]] 
 +* [[https://​​app/​id1638627303|DAPNET-App for iOS by DL2IC]]
 ===== Development of Version 2 ===== ===== Development of Version 2 =====
Zeile 127: Zeile 135:
   * [[blogoverview|DAPNET News Blog]]   * [[blogoverview|DAPNET News Blog]]
   * [[https://​|DAPNET Ticket System]]   * [[https://​|DAPNET Ticket System]]
-  * [[https://​​joinchat/​AAAAAEKiSSixew9Griy1WA|Telegram DAPNET User Chat (German)]]+  * [[https://​​+QqJJKINK8ZUp8Wl5|Telegram DAPNET User Chat (German)]]
   * [[https://​​joinchat/​DvO_6BFdmacWf_LexTETJg|Telegram DAPNET Pi-Star User Chat (German)]]   * [[https://​​joinchat/​DvO_6BFdmacWf_LexTETJg|Telegram DAPNET Pi-Star User Chat (German)]]
   * [[https://​​dapnet|Telegram DAPNET News Channel]]   * [[https://​​dapnet|Telegram DAPNET News Channel]]
start.1603637341.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/10/25 15:49 von pe2kmv