====== Coverage Maps rendering status ====== In the last month, DAPNET has grown all over the planet. When we designed the network, we didn't really think that this would happen one day. So besides of beeing quite happy about that fact, it also revealed the problem of generating DAPNET transmitter coverage maps for sites all over the world. The map data is predicted using state of the atr science published in this paper: [[https://www.afu.rwth-aachen.de/images/vortraege/Radio%20Coverage%20Prediction%20for%20a%20Wireless%20IP-based%20Network%20in%20Central%20Europe%20Weinheim.pdf |R. Wilke, H. Munz, D. Heberling: "Radio Coverage Prediction for a Wireless IP-based Network in Central Europe"]]. Besides of the transmitter meta data like antenne height and power, the algorithm needs a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_elevation_model|Digital Elevation Model (DEM)]]. We use the data from [[https://earthdata.nasa.gov/|https://earthdata.nasa.gov/]] and in particular the ASTER2 mission DEM data. I have downloaded already the area of Europe, but as there are now transmitters on other contients, the worldwide coverange iof DEM data is needed. The download and pre-processing of the data has already been starte. but it will take some times be be finished (about 68 GB in compressed version). Afterwards, the prediction process will be executed again to calculate the missing maps for transmitters outside europe.