====== Send rubric content via REST-API ====== ===== Example for curl from linux console ===== curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u yourcallsign:yourpassword -d '{ "rubricName": "rubric", "text": "this is the message" }' http://dapnet.db0sda.ampr.org:8080/news ===== Example for python3 ===== import requests url = 'http://dapnet.db0sda.ampr.org:8080/news' headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} data = '{ "rubricName": "rubric", "text": "this is the message" }' data = data.encode('utf-8') response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, auth=('yourcallsign', 'yourpassword'), data=data) print(response) ===== Example for pearl ===== $c = REST::Client->new(); $c->setHost("$dapnethost:$dapnetport"); $c->addHeader('Authorization'=>'Basic ' . encode_base64($yourcallsign . ':' . $yourpassword)); $c->POST('/news', '{"rubricName": "rubric", "text": "'.$message.'", "number": '.$pos.'}', {"Content-type"=>'application/json'}); ===== set a specific position for the skyper rubric content ===== Valid positions are integers as char from 1 to 10 { "rubricName": "rubric", "text": "this is the message", "number": position }