====== Monitoring of Unipager Transmitters on the Unipager itself ======
===== Overview =====
There are three variantes of Nagios plugins available.
* Solution with JSON Status output of Unipager directly (since Version 1.0.0)
* Websocket based with C++ programm
* Websocket based with Python programm
Also Daniel Dibbets DL6FZ provided a Template for Zabbix. See below for more info.
If you have already Unipager V 1.0.0 or newer installed, the JSON output solution is highly recommended due to performance issues.
===== Up-to-date Solution with JSON Output =====
This approach uses the same ''check_http_json'' Nagios plugin as [[monitoringnagios|here]]. For further information on installation refere to this site. No ''nagios-nrpe-server'' is needed (although it makes sense to use it for temperature monitoring, disk space, etc.)
Add to your ''commands.cfg'' the following lines:
# 'check_unipager_connected' command definition
define command{
command_name check_unipager_connected
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http_json -H '$HOSTNAME$' -P $ARG1$ -p status -Q "connected,True"
# 'check_unipager_queue' command definition
define command{
command_name check_unipager_queue
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http_json -H '$HOSTNAME$' -P $ARG1$ -p status -w queue,$ARG2$ -c queue,$ARG3$
* ARG1: Port of the HTTP Server of Unipager, default is ''8073''
* ARG2: Number of POCSAG transmissions in queue to be exceeded for status ''warning''
* ARG3: Number of POCSAG transmission in queue to be exceeded for status ''critical''
Create a service description for the new commands:
# Define a service to check if unipager is connected to a Node
define service{
use generic-service-rwthafu
host_name c9000.db0sda.ampr.org
service_description UniPager Connection to DAPNET Core
check_command check_unipager_connected!8073
# Define a service to check if unipager queue is too full
define service{
use generic-service-rwthafu
host_name c9000.db0sda.ampr.org
service_description UniPager Queue
check_command check_unipager_queue!8073!100!150
The result should be like this:
{{ ::monitoring:nagios_json_connection_and_queue.png?direct&800 |}}
===== Websocket Solution =====
{{:icons:warning.png?direct |}}{{ :icons:warning.png?direct|}}The websocket methods are superseeded by the JSON method. Please use the new one. The following documentation is for historical reasons only.
Ein entsprechendes Plugin für die Websocket-Schnittstelle kann unter [[https://github.com/rwth-afu/UniPagerNagios|https://github.com/rwth-afu/UniPagerNagios]] heruntergeladen werden. Es gibt 2 Varianten:
* C++ Version (Viele Abhängigkeiten)
* Pyhton2 Version (Einfache Installation)
Dazu muss der Nagios NRPE-Server installiert werden.
sudo apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server
Zur Installation des Check-Plugins zunächst das Repository herunterladen:
git clone https://github.com/rwth-afu/UniPagerNagios.git
==== C++-Version ====
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libboost-dev libjson-spirit-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-coroutine-dev libboost-context-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev
cd UniPagerNagios/cplusplus
das Programm kompilieren und die gebaute Datei build/unipagernagios mittels
sudo cp ./build/unipagernagios /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_unipager
ins Zielverzeichnis kopieren. Dann noch dem Benutzer root zuweisen, sowie ausführbar machen
sudo chown root:root /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_unipager
sudo chmod 755 /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_unipager
==== Pyhton2-Version ====
There is in the same Git-repository a pyhton2 version to do the same. You can find the code in ''python/check_unipager'' . The setup is almost the same as for the C++ version. As this method is overseeded by the JSON approach, there is no further documentation here for the moment.
==== Generelle Einstellungen für NRPE ====
Die Datei ''/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg'' entsprechen anpassen, insbesondere:
Die Datei ''/etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_unipager.cfg'' erstellen mit Inhalt
sudo nano /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/check_unipager.cfg
command[check_unipager]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_unipager -H localhost
ACHTUNG: Nur bei Zugriff von ''localhost'' aus braucht man ab der Version 0.7.1 von [[unipager|UniPager]] kein Passwort.
Dann den nagios-nrpe-server neu starten:
service nagios-nrpe-server restart
Auf dem Haupt-Nagios-Server kann man dann mit den NRPE-Plugin den Status abfragen. Dazu erstellt man eine Datei in ''/etc/nagios3/conf.d'' mit z.B. dem Hostnamen''c9000.db0sda.ampr.org.cfg'' und dem Inhalt
define host{
use generic-host ; Name of host template to use
host_name c9000.db0sda.ampr.org
alias c9000.db0sda
hostgroups db0sda, ssh-servers, raspberrypi
# Define a service to check if rustpager is connected to a Core
define service{
use generic-service
host_name c9000.db0sda.ampr.org
service_description UniPager Connection to DAPNET Core
check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_unipager
Die hostgroup, host_name, alias und IP müssen natürlich angepasst werden. Einmal nagios neustarten und schon wird der Status überwacht.
===== Zabbix Template for Unipager =====
Daniel Dibbets DL6FZ provided a template for Zabbix to monitor the unipager program.
{{ :monitoring:zbx_unipager_template.xml |Download Template here}}
6 Items are observed:
* Connected
* Master
* Queue
* Version
* Calls RX
* Calls TX
3 Triggers are integrated:
* Not Connected
* Queue > 500
* Queue > 1000
Data is gathered from Status JSON (http://{HOST.NAME}:8073/status)
Zabbix will build history and delta information concerning the numberical values.