Here is a simple way to Unipager-Audio transmit your callsign announcement, as required by law in many countries. First, create a .wav file with the desired announcement. It can be CW or speech, on your choice: * To create a CW .wav file visit: * To create a voice .wav (in 17 different languages) visit: * Convert the .mp3 to .wav (if needed) visit: * Rename your .wav file to "callsign.wav" Once you have the wav file, login to Unipager OS host over SSH terminal (eg. Putty) and type the following commands: sudo -i mkdir /unipager chmod 777 /unipager cd /unipager touch nano The nano editor will be openend, so paste the following content: #!/bin/bash # CALLSIGN SCRIPT sleep 30 service unipager stop sleep 5 echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/value sleep 1 aplay /unipager/callsign.wav -D plughw:1 echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio1/value service unipager restart Press Ctrl-X, then press Y to save the content. IMPORTANT: The "-D plughw:1" parameter is meant to systems using external USB soundcard. If using Raspberry native soundcard this parameter can be suppressed. IMPORTANT: this script opens GPIO1 to act the PTT. Use the same GPIO declared on Unipager-Audio configuration. Still on terminal type "crontab -e" to open the scheduler configuration, then add the following line to the end of file: */10 * * * * sudo /unipager/ Press Ctrl-X, then press Y to save the content. Now find a way to transfer the callsign.wav file from your computer to the /unipager folder on unipager host, the easiest way is using WinScp software (or use wget, ftp, etc) Type the command chmod 777 * Type the command reboot now Beware that this solution only waits for 30 seconds to empty the UniPager queue. On cases with high traffic and/or only few available time slots this may lead to loss of messages! Manual by Renato [[|PU2UTR]]