
Send individual call via REST-API

Example for curl from linux console

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u yourcallsign:yourpassword -d '{ "text": "this is the message", "callSignNames": ["destinationcallsign"], "transmitterGroupNames": ["txgroup"], "emergency": false }'

Example for python3

import requests

url = ''

headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
data = '{ "text": "this is the message", "callSignNames": ["destinationcallsign"], "transmitterGroupNames": ["txgroup"], "emergency": false }'

data = data.encode('utf-8')

response =, headers=headers, auth=('yourcallsign', 'yourpassword'), data=data)


make sure to select the correct DAPNET server

When you are connected to HAMNET (either through the air or via VPN) you can use the HAMNET node

If you're not connected to HAMNET please use the server connected to the public internet

calls to more than one callsign

It is also possible to hand over more than one call sign to the API. The call signs then have to be comma separated and quoted.

["dl1abc", "dk9xyz", "dj1uvw"]

But be aware: If one call sign fails (not registered, typo), the whole call is discarded.

calls to more than one tx group

The tx groups have to be comma separated and quoted.

["group1", "group2", "group3"]

But be aware: If one group is invalid (does not exist, typo), the whole call is discarded.