The most used and preferred frequency is 439.9875 MHz but due to some legal restrictions in some countries other frequencies are used (marked in red).

Country 2m 70cm Remarks
Austria 438.025 according to bandplan 439.930 would also be possible
Belgium 439.9875
Bulgaria 439.9875
Canada 439.9875
China 144.2800
Czech Republic 439.9875
Italy 144.9375, 144.5125 Source
France 439.9875
Germany 144.8625 439.9875 Source, 2m in the border region to Luxemburg
Hungary 439.9875
Japan 431.000 - 431.400 no coordinated qrg
Luxembourg 144.8625 Source
Netherlands 439.9875
Norway 439.9875
Poland 439.9875
Portugal 439.9875
Republic of Ireland 433.6250
Russia 144.975 439.9875
Slovenia 439.9875
Spain 144.8625
Switzerland 439.9875
Thailand 144.3900, 144.4125
United Kingdom 439.9875 Source
USA 439.9875 Source