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These pagers normally come with a (more or less) hard-coded RIC. It can be found on a small label on the back side. It is not! the „Skyper Nr.“ but the second part of the „ID Nr.“. It is contains 7 digits of which the last four are underlined (has been used as a PIN in the former life of those units).

These units support automatic time synchronisation to the DAPNET transmitter/core and rubric messages. The latter need an activation which can be sent out from the hampager portal (See „rubrics“). The rubrics abonnement is apparently lost if the battery dies.

RIC programming

There is a DOS software that is able to read/program Skypers model 1 and 2. You need an interface that supplies 3v0 to the pager to activate its programming mode. A small SMD PCB that fits into a DB9 connector case it described here: A small amount of PCBs is available at cost from the authors. Please contact DK4PA or DF2ET.

skyperdescription.1536269438.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/09/06 23:30 von df2et