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DX Cluster notification

One of the main use cases of DAPNET is the DX Cluster notification. Michael DG5MM has written an interface between a DXSpider Cluster and the DAPNET. The code can be found here:

It connects to a German DX Spider Cluster via Telnet and analyses every spot. According to a hard coded band map, spots are sorted by shf (23 cm) and above, vhf/uhf (2m/70cm), 6m/4m and shortwave bands. Shortwave is also separated into cw and non-cw (just by frequency/band map IARU R1; may be false if e.g. someone is sending in cw-area in ssb unintentionally). Only rubric positions 1 to 5 are used to keep it small, that means the 6th spot overwrites the 1st, etc.

Especially during contest or Es-season, DX Cluster notifications cause high traffic. Therefore not every DAPNET TX broadcasts them, only those in the transmitter group dxclusters. If you see the categories on your pager but do not receive any content, please talk to your sysop whether he wants to add his transmitter to the group dxclusters.

usecasedxcluster.1526885220.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/05/21 08:47 von dg5mm