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alphapocdescription [2018/11/08 00:48]
alphapocdescription [2024/09/24 19:37] (aktuell)
dj7lc Added warning
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Alphapoc 602R ====== ====== Alphapoc 602R ======
 +===== WARNING =====
 +**Programming software version 3.22 has a bug that limits ALL text messages received by the pager to 45 characters. Fixed in Version 3.24, see parameter TEXT LENGTH.**
 ===== Overview ===== ===== Overview =====
-The Alphapoc is a portable paging receiver for POCSAG. It is avaiable ​at [[http://​​product_info.php?​products_id=172|http://​​]]. The relevant version of the product is **X4**.+The Alphapoc is a portable paging receiver for POCSAG. It is available ​at [[http://​​product_info.php?​products_id=172|http://​​]]. The relevant version of the product is **X4**.
 {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alphapoc6002r_cutout.jpg?​direct&​600 |Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver}} {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alphapoc6002r_cutout.jpg?​direct&​600 |Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver}}
Zeile 14: Zeile 19:
 {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc602_clip.jpg?​direct&​600 |Belt clip}} {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc602_clip.jpg?​direct&​600 |Belt clip}}
-===== Basic fundamentals on RIC asssigment ​for Alphapoc =====+===== Basic fundamentals on RIC assigment ​for Alphapoc =====
 As the AlphaPoc receivers don't have a predefined RIC, so the RIC will be assigned by the DAPNET support team, normally based on the existing CCS7 / DMR ID system. The POCSAG addresses are limited to 2^21 = 2097152, so IDs greater than the limit have to be shortened. It is not necessary to have a CCS7 / DMR ID to register a reciever on DAPNET. As the AlphaPoc receivers don't have a predefined RIC, so the RIC will be assigned by the DAPNET support team, normally based on the existing CCS7 / DMR ID system. The POCSAG addresses are limited to 2^21 = 2097152, so IDs greater than the limit have to be shortened. It is not necessary to have a CCS7 / DMR ID to register a reciever on DAPNET.
-The reception of the rubrics originally designed for [[skyperdescription|Skyper]] described [[rubricactivationskyper|here]] is not as convinient ​on the Alphapoc as on the Skyper. But there is a workaround: The rubrics are transmitted in both Skyper format and as personal messages. The RIC used for the rubrics for this purpose is 1000 + <RUBIC Number>. So rubric number 42 is RIC 1042. You can assign up to 8 POCSAG addresses (RICs), on your Alphapoc that it listen to. It is convinient ​to programm you personal RIC and besides ​the RIC of up to 7 rubrics. So you can still receive the rubics ​content on the Alphapoc. A mayor drawback is, that the Alphapoc will not distinguish between ​thoses ​and really personal messages, filling up your display ​quite fast (work-around:​ see https://​​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=alphapocdescription#​handling_rics)+The reception of the rubrics originally designed for [[skyperdescription|Skyper]] described [[rubricactivationskyper|here]] is not as convenient ​on the Alphapoc as on the Skyper. But there is a workaround: The rubrics are transmitted in both Skyper format and as personal messages. The RIC used for the rubrics for this purpose is 1000 + <RUBIC Number>. So rubric number 42 is RIC 1042. You can assign up to 8 POCSAG addresses (RICs), on your Alphapoc that it listen to. It is convenient ​to programm you personal RIC and additionally ​the RIC of up to 7 rubrics. So you can still receive the rubrics ​content on the Alphapoc. A major drawback is, that the Alphapoc will not distinguish between ​those and really personal messages, filling up your Memory ​quite fast (work-around:​ see https://​​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=alphapocdescription#​handling_rics)
-How to know the rubics ​and their numbers?+How to know the rubrics ​and their numbers?
 Log in to the DAPNET Web Interface on [[http://​​rubrics|http://​​rubrics]] and look them up. Be aware the not all numbers from 1 to 99 are present and that several rubrics are assigned to a local limited transmitter group. Log in to the DAPNET Web Interface on [[http://​​rubrics|http://​​rubrics]] and look them up. Be aware the not all numbers from 1 to 99 are present and that several rubrics are assigned to a local limited transmitter group.
Zeile 72: Zeile 77:
 |  7  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music7.mp3 |}}| |  7  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music7.mp3 |}}|
 |  8  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music8.mp3 |}}| |  8  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music8.mp3 |}}|
-|  ​Chrip  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music_chrip.mp3 |}}|+|  ​Chirp  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music_chrip.mp3 |}}|
 ===== Over-The-Air Programming of Time and Date  ===== ===== Over-The-Air Programming of Time and Date  =====
Zeile 78: Zeile 83:
 The AlphaPoc pagers (tested with AlphaPoc 602R X4 model) support setting time and date as broadcasted by DAPNET. <​del>​You need to configure the 8th RIC of your pager with RIC 165866 function D / alpha.</​del>​ With the update of October 30th RICs have changed. You choose between UTC and local time. For UTC you have to use RIC 216 function D / alpha for UTC time or RIC 224 function D / alpha for local time. Afterwards time and date should be set automatically as soon as the OTA message is transmitted (currently happening every two minutes). The AlphaPoc pagers (tested with AlphaPoc 602R X4 model) support setting time and date as broadcasted by DAPNET. <​del>​You need to configure the 8th RIC of your pager with RIC 165866 function D / alpha.</​del>​ With the update of October 30th RICs have changed. You choose between UTC and local time. For UTC you have to use RIC 216 function D / alpha for UTC time or RIC 224 function D / alpha for local time. Afterwards time and date should be set automatically as soon as the OTA message is transmitted (currently happening every two minutes).
-{{ :alphapoc:ota_time_alphapoc.jpg?​nolink&​600 |}}+{{ :alphapoc:ric224.jpg?​nolink&​600 |}}
 This is currently supported and tested on the following models: This is currently supported and tested on the following models:
Zeile 96: Zeile 101:
 ===== In range-Symbol ​ ===== ===== In range-Symbol ​ =====
-The Alphapoc 602R offers an "in range symbol":​+The Alphapoc 602R/802W offers an "in range symbol":​
 {{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alpapocinrange.jpg |}} {{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alpapocinrange.jpg |}}
-The symbol is not working in the current firmware (1.7x), so you have to use an older programming software 1.01 (as the firmware is transferred via software).+The symbol is not working in the current firmware (1.7x), so you have to use an older programming software 1.01 (as the firmware is transferred via software). Update 2/2020: There seems to be a new software/​firmware 2.03 available, antenna symbol works with it.
 ===== Handling RICs  ===== ===== Handling RICs  =====
Zeile 125: Zeile 130:
 If the battery is empty, the "empty battery"​ icon appears, an audio alert beeps and **no further messages** will be received. If the battery is empty, the "empty battery"​ icon appears, an audio alert beeps and **no further messages** will be received.
-lorem ipsum 
alphapocdescription.1541634526.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/11/08 00:48 von oe7bsh