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alphapocdescription [2018/12/09 11:06]
oe7bsh neue ric224 als screenshot statt 165866
alphapocdescription [2024/09/24 19:37] (aktuell)
dj7lc Added warning
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== Alphapoc 602R ====== ====== Alphapoc 602R ======
 +===== WARNING =====
 +**Programming software version 3.22 has a bug that limits ALL text messages received by the pager to 45 characters. Fixed in Version 3.24, see parameter TEXT LENGTH.**
 ===== Overview ===== ===== Overview =====
-The Alphapoc is a portable paging receiver for POCSAG. It is avaiable ​at [[http://​​product_info.php?​products_id=172|http://​​]]. The relevant version of the product is **X4**.+The Alphapoc is a portable paging receiver for POCSAG. It is available ​at [[http://​​product_info.php?​products_id=172|http://​​]]. The relevant version of the product is **X4**.
 {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alphapoc6002r_cutout.jpg?​direct&​600 |Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver}} {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alphapoc6002r_cutout.jpg?​direct&​600 |Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver}}
Zeile 14: Zeile 19:
 {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc602_clip.jpg?​direct&​600 |Belt clip}} {{ ::​alphapoc:​alphapoc602_clip.jpg?​direct&​600 |Belt clip}}
-===== Basic fundamentals on RIC asssigment ​for Alphapoc =====+===== Basic fundamentals on RIC assigment ​for Alphapoc =====
 As the AlphaPoc receivers don't have a predefined RIC, so the RIC will be assigned by the DAPNET support team, normally based on the existing CCS7 / DMR ID system. The POCSAG addresses are limited to 2^21 = 2097152, so IDs greater than the limit have to be shortened. It is not necessary to have a CCS7 / DMR ID to register a reciever on DAPNET. As the AlphaPoc receivers don't have a predefined RIC, so the RIC will be assigned by the DAPNET support team, normally based on the existing CCS7 / DMR ID system. The POCSAG addresses are limited to 2^21 = 2097152, so IDs greater than the limit have to be shortened. It is not necessary to have a CCS7 / DMR ID to register a reciever on DAPNET.
-The reception of the rubrics originally designed for [[skyperdescription|Skyper]] described [[rubricactivationskyper|here]] is not as convinient ​on the Alphapoc as on the Skyper. But there is a workaround: The rubrics are transmitted in both Skyper format and as personal messages. The RIC used for the rubrics for this purpose is 1000 + <RUBIC Number>. So rubric number 42 is RIC 1042. You can assign up to 8 POCSAG addresses (RICs), on your Alphapoc that it listen to. It is convinient ​to programm you personal RIC and besides ​the RIC of up to 7 rubrics. So you can still receive the rubics ​content on the Alphapoc. A mayor drawback is, that the Alphapoc will not distinguish between ​thoses ​and really personal messages, filling up your display ​quite fast (work-around:​ see https://​​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=alphapocdescription#​handling_rics)+The reception of the rubrics originally designed for [[skyperdescription|Skyper]] described [[rubricactivationskyper|here]] is not as convenient ​on the Alphapoc as on the Skyper. But there is a workaround: The rubrics are transmitted in both Skyper format and as personal messages. The RIC used for the rubrics for this purpose is 1000 + <RUBIC Number>. So rubric number 42 is RIC 1042. You can assign up to 8 POCSAG addresses (RICs), on your Alphapoc that it listen to. It is convenient ​to programm you personal RIC and additionally ​the RIC of up to 7 rubrics. So you can still receive the rubrics ​content on the Alphapoc. A major drawback is, that the Alphapoc will not distinguish between ​those and really personal messages, filling up your Memory ​quite fast (work-around:​ see https://​​dokuwiki/​doku.php?​id=alphapocdescription#​handling_rics)
-How to know the rubics ​and their numbers?+How to know the rubrics ​and their numbers?
 Log in to the DAPNET Web Interface on [[http://​​rubrics|http://​​rubrics]] and look them up. Be aware the not all numbers from 1 to 99 are present and that several rubrics are assigned to a local limited transmitter group. Log in to the DAPNET Web Interface on [[http://​​rubrics|http://​​rubrics]] and look them up. Be aware the not all numbers from 1 to 99 are present and that several rubrics are assigned to a local limited transmitter group.
Zeile 72: Zeile 77:
 |  7  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music7.mp3 |}}| |  7  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music7.mp3 |}}|
 |  8  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music8.mp3 |}}| |  8  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music8.mp3 |}}|
-|  ​Chrip  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music_chrip.mp3 |}}|+|  ​Chirp  |{{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​music_chrip.mp3 |}}|
 ===== Over-The-Air Programming of Time and Date  ===== ===== Over-The-Air Programming of Time and Date  =====
Zeile 96: Zeile 101:
 ===== In range-Symbol ​ ===== ===== In range-Symbol ​ =====
-The Alphapoc 602R offers an "in range symbol":​+The Alphapoc 602R/802W offers an "in range symbol":​
 {{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alpapocinrange.jpg |}} {{ :​alphapoc:​alphapoc:​alpapocinrange.jpg |}}
-The symbol is not working in the current firmware (1.7x), so you have to use an older programming software 1.01 (as the firmware is transferred via software).+The symbol is not working in the current firmware (1.7x), so you have to use an older programming software 1.01 (as the firmware is transferred via software). Update 2/2020: There seems to be a new software/​firmware 2.03 available, antenna symbol works with it.
 ===== Handling RICs  ===== ===== Handling RICs  =====
alphapocdescription.1544350001.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/12/09 11:06 von oe7bsh