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Alphapoc 602R


The Alphapoc is a portable paging receiver for POCSAG. It is avaiable at The relevant version of the product is X4.

Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver


Image of Alphapoc 602 Paging receiver

There is a belt clip delivered with the pager as shown on the next image.

Belt clip

Basic fundamentals on RIC asssigment for Alphapoc

As the AlphaPoc receivers don't have a predefined RIC, the common sense on DAPNET is to use your DMR ID and substract 60000 from it. So DMR ID 2621234 gives RIC 2021234.

The reception of the rubrics originally designed for Skyper described here is not as convinient on the Alphapoc as on the Skyper. But there is a workaround: The rubrics are transmitted in both Skyper format and as personal messages. The RIC used for the rubrics for this purpose is 1000 + <RUBIC Number>. So rubric number 42 is RIC 1042. You can assign up to 8 POCSAG addresses (RICs), on your Alphapoc that it listen to. It is convinient to programm you personal RIC and besides the RIC of up to 7 rubrics. So you can still receive the rubics content on the Alphapoc. A mayor drawback is, that the Alphapoc will not distinguish between thoses and really personal messages, filling up your display quite fast.

How to know the rubics and their numbers? Log in to the DAPNET Web Interface on and look them up. Be aware the not all numbers from 1 to 99 are present and that several rubrics are assigned to a local limited transmitter group.

Programming with the pager only

(The following information and the screenshots are from

The USB programming interface is not necessary needed. All basic programming can be done on the pager itself. First press the lowest and uppest button to the same time. A password dialog shows up. The default password is 0000. So press the down arrow until you get to the RIC assigment dialog.

Set RICs on pager

On the first line you enter your personal RIC as described above on section A. The other 7 lines can be filled with RICs of rubics as also stated in the pervious paragraph. Move through the fields with the arrow buttons.

Set Frequency and Baud Rate on pager

On the next page set the baud rate to 1200 BPS and the frequency to 439.9875 M. The polarity is NORMAL. Program your changes and settings permanently by moving the highlight to PROGRAM and press the small button to confirm. Your AlphaPoc is working now. For further details on alarm sound etc. have a look on in the manual.

Programming via Software

To program the reveiver, all necessary settings can be done on the pager itself without the need of an external USB connection. Anyway, there is a USB programming interface avaiable at It's cheaper if you buy it as a bundle with the pager. The following picture shows the mini USB connector on the Alphapoc receiver.

USB Connection

Programming Interface

Unfortunately, the USB programming interface is not just a simple USB2Serial converter. Here are two pictures of the internal components for information only. A normal USB cable without the interface converter does not work.

Programming Software

There is a Windows based software avaiable to alter all settings inside the pager. Here are some screenshots for information only. Be aware that you need at least the version 1.70 for Windows 10.

The programm groups the settings on several tabs. The most important tab is Address set. Here you can enter your personal RIC and up to 7 RICs more, e.g. for the rubric reception.

On the next tab SPF set you can select the language of the display, the frequency (439.9875 MHz), 1200 BPS speed and polarity Normal

On this tab you can enter a text displayed in front of every received message. This is convinient for the RICs assigned with the rubrics content in order to be able to distinguish between the rubics and map the message's content to the rubrics name. Example: If you have entered the RIC number for the rubric DX 50/70 MHz you can put a DX 50/70 in front of the messages to identify them easily.

Detailed analysis of Hard- and Software

Jochen DG1SFJ has worked out a detailed analysis about the hard- and software used. It can be found here:

alphapocdescription.1522668654.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/04/02 13:30 von dh3wr