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Nextion Touch Display for UniPager

Zu jedem schönen Projekt gehört mittlerweile auch ein Display. Die Varianten der Firma Nextion sind sehr beliebt auf Grund ihrer Fähigkeiten und ihres Preises. Der Anschluss geschieht über einen USB-TTL 3,3 Volt Wandler, da der interne UART-Port auf dem RasPi bereits belegt ist beim RasPagerC9000. Die Software ist in Entwicklung.

Start-Animation des Displays: Start-Animation des Displays

Ansicht im laufenden Betrieb: nsicht im laufenden Betrieb

Ansicht im 19 Zoll Gehäuse: Ansicht im 19 Zoll Gehäuse

Supported Display types

In general, all display types from nextion are supported, but it is recommended to use as minimum the 3,2 inch version in order to have sufficient space on the display. The type code is NX4024T032 Link to the manufacturer.

Be aware: The updates of Unipager may not always be compatible with the UniPagerNextion software. If something is not working after an update, let us know and write a ticket to

support at

or open a ticket directly.



The working principle of this display control is devided in two parts:

  • On the Nextion Display a special software is running to display the graphics and interact via a UART interface with the host running Unipager.
  • On the host with Unipager, a Pyhton script is connecting via the websocket interface to Unipager. This makes it possible to get the status and config data from Unipager as well as sending the configuration manipulated on the touch screen display towards the Unipager.


Install unipager as described on the Unipager section of this wiki. Install git with

sudo apt-get install git

Software download and install

Clone the github repository containing all the software needed into a temporary directory, e.g. /home/pi

git clone

cd into the directory of the install script and run it:

cd UniPagerNextion/src
sudo bash ./

This will install the python script to /usr/local/bin/ and install a systemd service file named /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/unipagernextion.service. It will also register this service.

Now edit the config file in /etc/ according to your needs:

sudo nano /etc/
# The config is just a python script which will be included

# The hostname, default localhost
#hostname = "localhost"

# The port, default 8055
#port = 8055

# Serial Port to the Nextion Display, default "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#serialport = "/dev/ttyUSB0"

# Serial Seppd to the Nextion Display, default 115200
#serialspeed = 115200

In the general case, no adaption is needed.

Hardware connection of the Nextion display

There are two ways of connection the Nextion display to the Raspberry Pi.

Direct connection to GPIO UART

If you do not use the Raspager or RaspagerC9000, the GPIO is free to use. So you can conntect the four cables from the Nextion directly to the GPIO header.

Connect via USB2Serial-Adapter

In case the onboard UART is not available, you can use a USB-to-Serial adapter.

Loading the software on the Nextion display

There is a python script at Edit the COM-Port according to your connection and run it with the .tft file. For firmware update of the display itself a programming with the Windows software from Nextion is recommended.

unipagernextion.1520516132.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2018/03/08 14:35 von dh3wr